Capital in XXI century.

‘Speed Book Date‘, edited by Alessandra Pagani.

Padoa - February 24, 2018 : I've told about ‘Il capitale nel XXI secolo’, by Thomas Piketty - Ed. du Seuil 2013.





"Thomas Piketty is 46, lives in Paris with his wife Julia and their three daughters. He's professor at the 'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales' and at the 'Ecole d'Economie de Paris'. With this essay he won in 2013 the Prix 'Yrjo Jahnsson' awarded by the 'European Economic Association'. 

It is a work ambitious indeed, however it is original and strict by which Piketty begins an analysis still unpublished, because it collected Balance sheets from 20 Countries in the world, with a very actual issue : what favours the speculation, leading to social inequalities and injustice, other than to capital investments ?

That made me curious, because his work pointed out an important connection between the good economics and the individual psyche, continuously tempted by a consumer pleasure, or by an immediate obtaining without any work rather than  investing one's own talents for a better profit. 

Piketty said that a speculative shifting has first of all be dealt with in any Nation, by means of a shared Culture, and in the same time he proposed a progressive taxation on capital – but the politics has not so much been aimed by Governments, because that would encourage a capital migration to Countries where instead the speculation is awarded.

I think it would be useful to be able to define the composition of the capital, as Piketty himself  does hope and his work goes on with further allied in further Countries, because when the percentage of income doesn't overcome the capital invested in productive activities, maybe a progressive taxation on the capital will not have depressing effects.“




                               Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – February 27, 2018