
Trainings before the competition/ Milano, Arena Civica and Palazzina Appiani – ‘Walk and Middle Distance Night’ April 29-30, 2023.



“As a matter of facts when the reality principle comes into the pleasure principle, it doesn’t mean the dismissal of the pleasure principle, but a better safeguard of it.”[2]



What does bring in the reality principle to the point of requiring a subject – and a child mainly – to be represented so he, or she, can invest psychically in it ? “There is a subject for unconscious…”[3], that’s true.

There is, on one side, the subject of the imagination that – neurotic – averts from reality and in the only comforting capacity may even continue an unfulfilled destiny.

However, on the other side, the lack of fulfillment itself increases – for another subject – the importance of the reality and of the psychical work, which is quite different from the psychical imagination or fantasy.

Here it is the springing, and here it is one’s disposition to ‘springingness’, that cannot be prescribed because it follows an individual judgement of productivity – or unproductiveness – of a specific psychical investment.

It is, as a matter of facts, an experience of analytical work the ‘economical psychic occurrence’ about which Freud specifically noted in 1911, and furtherly then in the following years and works. 

Not fantasy or imagination, not behaviour : rather an individual evaluation, hardly amenable to removal, since the removal actually proved its flop.


Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio - May 16, 2023



[1] I owe this article to the term ‘saltità’ (I translated with ‘springingness’), as coined by the psychoanalyst and University professor Giuseppe Oreste Pozzi in his intervention to the presentation of the book ‘Generazione DAD. Scuole, politica e psicoanalisi’, at care of Irene d’Elia (Pequod editore, 2022) at the ‘Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense’ in Milan, last April 29, 2023.

[2] ‘Precisazioni sui due principi dell’accadere psichico’, (1911) S. Freud in OSF VOL. 6 Bollati Boringhieri 2012, p.458

[3] Cited from the intervention of professor Giuseppe Oreste Pozzi.