What children don’t tell. [1]


People believe that Dante Alighieri begun his own descent into circles of Hell on March 25, 1300 : that cultural date is nowadays celebrated as ‘Dantedì’ (i.e.: ‘Dante-day’).

Any reputation can be constructed without too many words.


                                                            Marina Bilotta Membretti, Cernusco sul Naviglio May 25, 2021


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[1] ‘Con Dante nel Fumetto!’ has been on ‘Galleria Civica’ in Monza (MB) - Via Camperio 1 from 10 to 16 maggio, together with a number of events for the 700° anniversary from Dante Alighieri death (1265 - 1321): ‘Fondazione Franco Fossati’ and ‘WOW Spazio Fumetto’ organized the show in Monza and Milan.