
< How long – but first of all, in which way – thinking can keep suffering his psychic representation ? Original painting by Gianni Russomando[2] >



Thinking as a defense, if not making fun of it[3].


Marina Bilotta Membretti - Cernusco sul Naviglio January 15, 2022


[1] In ‘Livre XVIII. D’un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant’ (1971), Jacques Lacan seems bending to pessimism. 

[2] Gianni Russomando, biography : “I’m born in Vercelli (1956). Graduated at ‘Istituto di Belle Arti di Vercelli’, I can describe me as a simple ‘amanuense’ (medieval hand-painter). Far from expositions and competitions, it’s not a long time I’m on social media with a very personal aim : to give just a flash of quiet to anyone watching at my simple works.”

[3] “There is not trustworthiness, reliability if any benefit does lack to third parties… So that three are my concluding items : Law, Science, Trust”, cit. in ‘Tre capitoli’, Contribution by Giacomo B.Contri January 7, 2022.