In the picture : sources of the river Po, Moncenisio - Pian del Re (Crissolo-CN) 



“The psychoanalytic technique complies with the rule of ‘not’ omission and ‘not systematization’, which lifts the co-incidence in the disorder of both pathology and society, or Culture.

The vocational forming of an analyst is the fact that someone offers himself, or herself, as a candidate to a vocational form, that is to access a form and a rule, not to make a ‘training’.[1]



To benefit from one’s calling[2]/10. 


Omission, and systematization of the omission : that is to inabilitate logic, or principle of no contradiction, which the conscience puts in place without any other defence from loving Theories, although to the detriment of individual competence. 

An analyst has competence on how conscience inabilitates logic.



Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – August 10, 2022



[1] Cited by: “La formazione dello psicoanalista” - Parag.IV ‘Certezza della tecnica’ in ‘THINK!’ by Giacomo B. Contri 17-18 maggio 2014.

[2]  www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1