Defender of salus
The following text has been cited by:
“Il difensore della salute. Una categoria e le sua varietà professionali (psicoanalisi e altre)”
Docum. pubblico Dott. Giacomo B. Contri 25 marzo 2013, ai sensi della Legge 14 gennaio 2013, n. 4
<Translation by Marina Bilotta>
A category “Defender of salus”
“Defender of salus” first of all designates a category of thinking rather than a profession, a category of acts normally made by individuals defending their own normal faculty of defense.
Premise: “salus” is the item of well-being, as opposed to disease:
the concept includes, as a particular though diffused case, the pair salus / pathology (in a medical or psychological sense).
“Defender of salus” is first of all one’s own (i.e. individual) thinking, and no one else’s :
thinking has the titolarity, and at the same time the competence, in providing one’s own wellbeing and health, so as in calling someone else, that is a medician, a lawyer or a consultant as well he or she considers as entrustable one.
When acting the said unalienable titolarity, anyone uses normal acts and means (thinking and language) available to humankind, and not to be authorized by anyone else: it would be unfair any law would authorize what is already unalienable faculty.
However, there could be cases – the plural sens is evident – where the individual competence – also if unalienable the individual titolarity does keep in defensing his or her own wellbeing by means of thinking – is temporarily pending or even not yet oriented : maybe that is a disorientation or a psycological stalemate, a not well orientation in a specific social position (profession, school, family, judgement, medical) or even a not completed orientation (childhood).
In all these cases of individual competence pending, a “Defender of salus” can take over – vicariously and temporarily – and not substituting his or her titolarity, only helping a solution as a temporarily named vicarious : this is a generic (from genus as distinct by species) category, comprehensible to each human mind without any specific action, nor specific means or a specific training… <omissis>
The professions of “Defender of salus” and their specialization
The genius of Freud stands in transforming common human activities as thinking and language in specific and specialized up to curing thinking - and psychopathologies are thinking themselves -by means of thinking : the first Defender of salus was Freud
… <omissis>
Training a Defender of salus has to be demanding.
First of all the detracting specialization is not spontaneous nor common : rather, in any relationship further personal exigences, also not illegitimate can get into, but when someone is demanding a defender in favour of his or her own thinking salus, those Defender personal exigences can contaminate and make impossibile too, as in any conflict of interests.
First of all, psychoanalysis – we refuse a distinction between personal analysis and didactic analysis) and supervision… <omissis>
Professional varieties
The variety of situations able to be claimed by a Defender of salus is the largest one :
psychopatological disorientation (the case is for the psychoanalist),
Minors under trial (referring also to Strasbourg Convention),
Minors and family,
Minors and school,
Workers and employers at any level,
Patienst affected by physical patologies with lack of existential orientation,
Patients affected by psychiatric pathologies and also lack of existential and professional.
Common structure
Mandate, either verbal or written,
Professional practice,
Preliminary interviews in order to acknowledge the enquiry,
Follow-up interviews on selected goals, Case by Case,
Information to Client (these pages too), specifically on privacy, on code of ethical conduct, on zione al cliente (queste stesse pagine), in particolare quanto alla privacy, al codice
di condotta e alla tutela dell’utente, on specific Client protection,
Additional interviews with anyone relevant in the Case
Colloqui con altri implicati nella situazione,
Compensation... <omissis>
“Defender of salus” can join the present title to the same title of psychoanalist, or psychoanalytical consultant, or personal consultant.
In order to use the title of “Defender of salus” he, or she will have to subscribe this document without any receiving obligation reply… <omissis>