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Annoying, irritating, or beneficial ? Welcome is the wind that moves the salt pane system. In the picture : a detail from the ‘Saline dello Stagnone’, Marsala (Trapani).


To benefit from one’s calling [1] / 36.


“… from a descriptive point of view there are two types of unconscious, while from a dynamic point of view there is only one. …The distinction between conscious and unconscious is ultimately a problem of perception, which must be answered simply with a yes or no; and the act of perception as such, tells us nothing about the reason why something is perceived or not perceived.”[2]


Little to do has one’s perceptual memory with conscious memory: however is the perceptive memory – the one we happen we don’t understand the origin, even when we find it in a night dream – which indicates to us a gap between ‘removed’ and ‘unrealized’. The first in fact as an indispensable raw material, the second as a hallucination.[3]

In short, the economic question arises – as identified first and foremost by Freud - as to whether what I pick up comes in help of me or not : where it is precisely the representation of ‘help’ which we bring to the Court of thinking, whether we admit or not.


Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – July 21, 2024



[1] www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1

[2] Cited from : ‘L’Io e l’Es’, S. Freud 1922 in OSF Bollati Boringhieri (2020) Vol. 9 pp.478-479

[3] “In this regard hallucination immediately comes to mind, and the fact that the most vivid memory is still distinguished from hallucination, as well as from external perception.” in ‘L’Io e l’Es’, by S. Freud 1922 in OSF Bollati Boringhieri (2020) Vol. 9 p. 483

Je, c’est moi.



“It’s easy to make explicit the Freudian implicit opposition to gnostic duplicity of ‘I’ : on the one hand an empirical, fluctuating, miserable, mistified and mistifying ‘I’, perhaps (for what it costs) a ‘sinner’, on the other hand a transcendent or transcendental ‘I’ as one prefers, pure, ‘spark’ of the gods that you search and find in ascetism at the end of which he, or she, will be revealed to himself or herself…”[1]


To benefit from one’s calling[2] / 35.


It’s hard to call it an error, when the errors around distract us for good reason : and it is the essential, unimaginable lever space because it does not involve guilt but a stumble.

Because of the rush to go somewhere.


Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – July 3, 2024

Illustrazione originale di Gianni Russomando[3] 



[1] ‘Il pensiero di natura. Dalla psicoanalisi al pensiero giuridico’, Giacomo B. Contri SIC Edizioni (1998) – ‘La Carta o Enciclopedia’, p. 117 Nota 54.

[2] www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1

[3] Gianni Russomando, biographical note : “I’m born in Vercelli (1956), graduated at the ‘Istituto di Belle Arti di Vercelli’, I describe myself as an ‘amanuense’ (medieval hand-painter) and far from expositions and competitions.”


Picking up.

In the picture, a detail from the ‘Chiostro Maiolicato’ (1310-1340 a.C.) into the ‘Monastero di S. Chiara’, Naples.


“… on one side the essence, on the other the work as servant – once established the divorce between essence and work – with the curious consequence that thinking, as work or elaboration, will be on the side of the servant while, on the side of essence, the only thinking that will remain will be a contemplation. Theory that in its non-motion – is nothing other than fixation on the object. That is, pathology again.”[1]


To benefit from one’s calling / 34[2].


Thinking of solutions move yourself as a partner (not otherwise), the crossroads of one’s faculty to think for appointments is not at all illusory : you bend down to gather yourself in the motion, or to jingle in the mirror.

Are there still those who call ‘latency’ that psychic time that knows no age ?


Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – June 24th, 2024.



[1] ‘Il pensiero di natura. Dalla psicoanalisi al pensiero giuridico’, Giacomo B. Contri SIC Edizioni (1998) – ‘Ontologia, patologia, diritto’ p. 32

[2] www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1




“This does not mean we push criticism into the opposite doctrine and morality of undeceivement, that is, the solution of disinhabiting the inhabited earth as the only possible form of living.”[1]


To benefit from one’s calling / 33[2].


Inhabit one’s body, that’s a goal not so obvious as it’s not so obvious your partner[3], a small margin to pick up, it fits just right : until you can listen to what you say and that naive desire you wear as a habit, to dress up a lack that isn’t there. This is also why such work is called analytic.


Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – June 15, 2024


Illustrazione originale di Gianni Russomando[4]



[1] ‘Il pensiero di natura. Dalla psicoanalisi al pensiero giuridico’, Giacomo B. Contri – SIC Edizioni (1998), pg.72 

[2] www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1

[3] “It is in a time-two that the other partner, or more than one, can be identified as a favourable physical presence because they allow to satisfy an ex-citement that would otherwise not be possible. Admitting someone as a partner into one’s own principle of pleasure – that is ‘conjugation’ – and processing it as ‘satisfaction’, is a unique and unremitting goal.”, from ‘Ereditare da un bambino. Perché no ?’, Marina Bilotta Membretti (2014) Gruppo Editoriale L’Espresso SpA ISBN 978-88-91081-63-6, pg. 28

[4] Gianni Russomando, biographical note : “I’m born in Vercelli (1956), graduated at the ‘Istituto di Belle Arti di Vercelli’, I describe myself as an ‘amanuense’ (medieval hand-painter) and far from expositions and competitions.”


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