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Online professional magazine.
Defender of salus.
Editor : Marina Bilotta F.C.: BLTMRN58H50F205V
Graduated in ‘Economics’, commercial law - ‘L. Bocconi University’, Milan 1981.
Via Alberto Da Giussano, 2 - MM2 ‘Cernusco sul Naviglio’ Milan
TutorSalus.net is UE registered mark n°2020/032-18.02.2020
My work on ‘removal’ begun a fundamental to understand any neurosis. The therapeutycal role was then differently conceived… in uncovering the single removals, substituting them with an evaluation work… Considering that new perspective, I named my analysis method – or therapy – psychoanalysis…”
Sigmund Freud, "Autobiografia" 1924 / OSF X, p.98
Original painting by Stefano Frassetto
Five live flashes
The following text has been cited by:
“Il difensore della salute. Una categoria e le sua varietà professionali (psicoanalisi e altre)”
Docum. pubblico Dott. Giacomo B. Contri 25 marzo 2013, ai sensi della Legge 14 gennaio 2013, n. 4
<Translation by Marina Bilotta>