A rewarding concept.
Cultivating is an excellent name for ‘work’, as well for the craftsman as for the researcher : however calling a landscape ‘anthropized’ does not highlight the profit that results from the work itself.
Original painting by Gianni Russomando.[1]
To benefit from one’s calling[2] / 39.
“There is a condition for one to be able, as well as necessary, to talk about imputability, a condition that should make blush the ignorance with which our Culture is sick, and which it propagates : that of knowing that the concept of imputability is not only or primarily a penal concept but also, and above all, a reward concept (in order, they are attributable : merit, sin, crime).”[3]
‘Work’ is rewarding, as anyone who is admitted to it knows.
Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – August 26, 2024
[1] Gianni Russomando, biographical note : “I’m born in Vercelli (1956), graduated at the ‘Istituto di Belle Arti di Vercelli’, I describe myself as an ‘amanuense’ (medieval hand-painter) and far from expositions and competitions.”
[2] www.tutorsalus.net/index.php/en/pensare-da-partner-2/358-psychoanalyst-and-profession-1
[3] Cit. da : ‘Una psicologia amica’, Giacomo B. Contri p. 10 in ‘La Città dei malati’ – Maria Antonietta Aliverti, Raffaella Colombo, Giacomo B. Contri, Maria Delia Contri, Marina Massimi, Giorgio Moretti SIC Edizioni 1994