Each one of us moves in society with own legal agency, own unconscious, which less and less accepts replacing emotions to thinking.
In the picture : Travellers leaving and arriving.
To benefit from one’calling [1]/12.
“A further certainty achieved by Freud is not only to have been the inventor of psychoanalysis, and right in this there is forming of psychoanalyst with the psychoanalysis as an application.”[2]
“‘Defender of salus’ first of all designates a category of thinking before a profession, a category of acts commonly practiced among people, defending the common right to defence.”[3]
Marina Bilotta Membretti / Cernusco sul Naviglio – September 15, 2022
[2] Cited by : ‘La formazione dello psicoanalista’ – Parag. II ‘Certezza’ in ‘THINK!’ by Giacomo B. Contri May 12, 2014.
[3] ‘Il difensore della salute. Una categoria e le sue varietà professionali (psicoanalisi e altre)’, by Giacomo B. Contri – public document under the Italian Law January 14, 2013 n.4